Congratulations Newly Tenured ISD 518 Employees
Congratulations to all newly tenured ISD 518 employees. Thank you for for your continued commitment to the students and community of ISD 518!
Prairie Elementary
- Austin Bauer
- Ashely Doeden
- Kayla Cowan
- Kelsey Hartzler
- Taylor Huwe
- Katelyn Lee
- Kirsten Sinnamon
- Anazthasya Standafer
- Rebecca Tims
Worthington Middle School
- Rebekah Campbell
- Sherry Gaalswyk
- Casey Hertz
- Elizabeth Lowry
- Dana Motschenbacher
- Nhi Nguyen
- Lisa Nissen
- Alissa Utesch
Worthington High School
- Zachary Brandt
- Lori Dierks
- Jeremiah LeTourneau
- Rachel Peters
- Kelsey Robling
- Katherine Spurgin
Learning Center
- Brooke Hermsen
- Quan Loi
- Tammy Markus
- Tanner Utesch
- Emilia Witthuhn
Department of Teaching and Learning
- Maria Thier
- District
- Schools
- Prairie Elementary
- Intermediate School
- Middle School
- High School
- 2024 – 2025 Classes
- Agriculture
- e-Learning
- Art
- Business
- Communication Arts
- Concurrent Enrollment
- English Learners (EL)
- Family & Consumer Science (FACS)
- Industrial Technologies
- Health / Physical Education
- Health Office
- Math
- Media Center
- Music
- Post Secondary Planning
- Science
- Social Studies
- Special Education
- Student Services
- Translations Services
- World Language
- Learning Center
- VIBE (K-12-Online)
- Activities
- Parents/Students
- Staff
- Community
- Contact
Posted on Thu, May 28, 2020 by Anne Foley