6th Grade

6th grade at Worthington Middle School is devised of two teams that include four core teachers and several exploratory teachers (please see the Exploratory page for their descriptions). We are also fortunate to have an EL (English Language Learner) and Special Ed teacher specifically for our grade level.

Sixth grade math offers three math classes, including an advanced course. Students study fractions, percents, and decimals along with measurements, solving equations, and problem solving. We use Holt McDougal as our curriculum. We want to make math a successful part of each student’s life.

Sixth grade Science focuses on Physical Science: Forces and Motion, Science and Technology, Intro. to Chemistry, and Sound and Light. These concepts are taught through the Pearson Interactive Science curriculum, interactive Science labs, virtual PHET labs, as well as LEGO education activities.

Language Arts uses the Holt Elements of Literature textbook to guide the curriculum. Reading and literature skills, spelling, grammar, vocabulary and writing skills are incorporated based on the MN Standards for reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing. Accelerated Reading and STAR are used for additional reading programming.

Minnesota Studies uses a textbook provided by the MN Historical Society called Northern Lights. To culminate the year of learning about our great state, a field trip to Minneapolis/St. Paul is taken in the spring to visit places such as the state Capitol, Fort Snelling, James J Hill House, and/or others.

Each 6th grade student is loaned a school-issued iPad to complete their academic requirements. Schoology is our on-line learning platform. We also teach and utilize Google Drive, Google Docs, iMovie, Notability, Socrative, Moby Max and Spelling City. Campus Portal provides on-line access to parents and students regarding grades, attendance, fees, behavior and more.

Core Classes

General Information

  1. Please note that these assignments are an outline for the week and may change.  Until the iPads are available to the students, they will need to keep track of homework in their notebook.
  2. Remember that you can check grades, lunch account balance, attendance, and many other items through student or parent portal.
  3. Many times issues arise that teachers are not aware of.  Please don’t hesitate to call and respectfully make us aware of situations that are happening– we want middle school to be a positive experience for the students!
  4. By portraying education as highly important in your home/family unit, students will WANT to do well, and this is something that can not be taught in the classroom.  Please help us portray that importance of education.