District 518 Closed on June 19

In observance of Juneteenth (new official state holiday) – there will be no classes on Monday, June 19th. Schools and offices will be closed for the day. This includes Special Education classes, Targeted Services Summer School (EDGE), Learning Center Credit Recovery, and Kindergarten/9th Grade Transition classes. Regular programming will resume on Tuesday, June 20th.  If you have any questions, please call your school office.

Hola, escribimos de parte de las clases de verano del distrito escolar 518. No habrá clases el lunes 19 de junio para festejar Juneteenth. Las escuelas y oficinas estarán cerradas todo el día. La programación habitual se reanudará el martes 20 de junio. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la oficina de su escuela.

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