Problem Solving Team / Pre-Referral Intervention Team
District 518 implemented a Problem Solving Team (PST)initiative in the 2012-2013 school year. The role of the PST team in each building is to assist and guide general education teachers in identifying, analyzing and intervening when students are not achieving equal to their peers. Special education referrals can be generated out of the PST meetings, if the implementation of the interventions / accommodations are not successful with the students.
The PST may work along side of the RTI initiative already in progress in some schools.
Response-to-Intervention RTI is a general education initiative designed to provide high quality instruction and interventions matched to student needs, and using learning rate over time and level of performance to make important educational decisions. The RTI model is based on a three-tiered model of service delivery with a focus on early intervention and prevention of academic and behavioral concerns. Data collected during this process provides valuable information regarding students’ educational progress and response to interventions. Students who do not demonstrate a response to well-implemented, scientifically-based interventions at the Tier 3 level would be referred to special education for assessment.
Please see problem solving forms listed on this page.