Film Studies
One Term Grades 10, 11, 12 Elective
Students will develop their academic writing and critical thinking skills through analysis of film. Students will learn to be critical viewers of film by examining the literary, dramatic, and cinematic elements and other components of film.
WHS Comm. Arts Classes
- Asian American Lit
- British Lit Honors
- Creative Writing
- Debate
- Dystopian Lit
- English 9 A & B
- English 9 A & B Honors
- English 10 A & B
- English 11 A & B
- English 10 A & B Honors
- English 11 A & B Honors
- Film Studies
- Graphic Novels
- Hispanic American Lit
- Intro to Public Speaking
- Modern Media
- Mythology
- Sports Lit
- Theater
- Trojan News
- Young Adult Lit