MN West Introduction to Literature
One Term Grades 11, 12 Elective
Prerequisite: placement through assessment test or prior college coursework
Concurrent College Credit Course with MN West
Introduction to Literature examines the elements, forms, and content of fiction, drama, and poetry. The course aims to introduce students to various genres of literature, with an emphasis on reading strategies and reading analysis. Assignments include readings, literary reflections, and a research-based literary presentation.
WHS Comm. Arts Classes
- Asian American Lit
- British Lit Honors
- Creative Writing
- Debate
- Dystopian Lit
- English 9 A & B
- English 9 A & B Honors
- English 10 A & B
- English 11 A & B
- English 10 A & B Honors
- English 11 A & B Honors
- Film Studies
- Graphic Novels
- Hispanic American Lit
- Intro to Public Speaking
- Modern Media
- Mythology
- Sports Lit
- Theater
- Trojan News
- Young Adult Lit